
Mitchell, Bartlett & Bell Orthodontics 5 Tips for Going Back To School With Braces - by Dr. Carrie Bell

5 Tips for Going Back To School With Braces – by Dr. Carrie Bell

Where in the world did the summer go? It seems like each summer I find myself asking this question sooner and sooner. With all of the fun summer trips, camps, and pool time I feel like every parent is probably wondering the same thing. And yet, whether we’re ready or not, it’s already time to

5 Tips for Going Back To School With Braces – by Dr. Carrie Bell Read More »

Mitchell, Bartlett & Bell Orthodontics after treatment kids very much satisfy her smile said that

Understanding Early Orthodontic Treatment – by Dr. Kelly Mitchell

Parents may be surprised and skeptical if a dentist recommends seeing an orthodontist when their child still has as many baby teeth as permanent teeth. Having your child seen by an orthodontist by age 7 – a recommendation supported by the American Association of Orthodontists – can help uncover possible dental and jaw growth issues

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WAIT! Don’t Order Orthodontic Treatment Online Before Reading This

WAIT! Don’t Order Orthodontic Treatment Online Before Reading This

It’s easy to do so many things these days with the click of a button. Order shoes! Get a ride across town. Watch your favorite blockbuster movie! It seems like every day there’s a newer and easier way to do almost everything. We’ve been programmed to accept that anything can be ordered online and delivered

WAIT! Don’t Order Orthodontic Treatment Online Before Reading This Read More »